Full-Time Library Associate
Job Description
Location: Camano Island, WA , USA
Pay Range: $26.30 – $36.04 Hourly
Hours per week: 40
Closing Date: January 25, 2021
Job Summary
Perform skilled paraprofessional library support services to contribute to the Library District’s effective operation.
Essential Functions
- Provide general, basic reference and information service by: assisting customers in the use of library facilities, equipment, resources, and services. Refer complex readers’ advisory and reference questions to a Librarian or appropriate staff member.
- Provide courteous and efficient customer service by performing circulation desk tasks.
- Create and present programming for all customer groups as assigned.
- Develop program materials, including reading lists, promotional displays, and presentation materials.
- Provide training to customers in basic library skills including the use of public computers, catalog and reference computers, Internet, and devices.
- Assist customers in resolving technical problems or issues. Maintain and troubleshoot equipment utilized in a community library.
- Perform collection maintenance activities through the use of reports and data, to include weeding the collection for condition as well as reallocation of library materials.
- Perform other library support services including opening and closing buildings and assisting in maintaining the library in neat, clean, and orderly condition.
- May be designated in charge of the community library in the absence of other supervisory staff or building manager.
Education and Experience
- These skills and abilities typically are acquired through a combination of training and experience including a college-level education or specialized training such as library science, presenting programs or other profession-based subject areas.
- Three years of experience providing customer service in a library or public service environment is required.
How to Apply
Apply online at https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs/ViewJobDetails?job=45261&clientkey=7DCA7393E0FCBDDD24786ED549B71F9E&jpt=9a0f56181d6fa45ae72c99734d90dcc7477 total views, 0 today