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12 Jul 2022

Full-Time Student Experience Manager

mbakerwh – Posted by mbakerwh Missoula, Montana, United States

Job Description

Who We Are:  The Wild Rockies Field Institute offers academically rigorous, place-based field courses that develop engaged, informed citizens and strong leaders capable of addressing complex social and environmental issues. We offer college students the opportunity to study ecology, public lands issues, rural development, philosophy, and cultural history during extended backcountry expeditions and visits to rural communities in the Rocky Mountain West.


Job Title, Location, and Supervisor: Student Experience Manager, to work in our main office located at 155 N. California St. Suite 101, Missoula, MT 59801. This position will be 1.0 FTE; it will be at a minimum 20% in person, with the remaining 80% being flexible/work remotely. This position requires up to four weeks of travel per year on outreach/recruiting trips. Typically this will mean one day per week in-office. Extended periods of remote work (up to 6 weeks at a time) will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and approved by the Executive Director after six months of full time work. This position reports to the Executive Director and has supervisory responsibility. This role is permanent and eligible for benefits.


Job Objective: The Student Experience Manager will lead a variety of outreach, enrollment, and education duties necessary to support our courses and serve as an organizational leader at WRFI. This position is responsible for recruitment, enrollment, and the educational experience of 65-80 students annually.  This position will closely work with our Executive Director and field education team.


Job Qualifications: The successful candidate must have excellent communication and computer skills; the ability to work well with the public, students, field instructors, and office staff; keen attention to detail; a capacity to work independently; and the desire to participate in a variety of tasks. The successful candidate will be proficient in outdoor education programming, familiar with collegiate-level academics, committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion work, an experienced risk manager, an exceptional marketer, and be familiar with registration and enrollment processes.  Additionally, the ideal candidate will be familiar with Google platforms, NeonCRM, WordPress, and social media platforms; excel in problem solving; and be a proficient systems thinker. A master’s degree is strongly preferred due to requirements through the University of Montana. A current WFR or higher certification is strongly preferred, as is a willingness to go into the field if needed.


Compensation:  The Student Experience Manager will be salaried as a 1.0 FTE employee.  Number of hours worked per day/week, and will be coordinated with the Executive Director. Compensation range for this position is $42,000-$46,000 with 15 days of paid vacation and wellness flexibility will be provided for the duration of employment.  WRFI will provide a $300/month stipend to pay for health insurance coverage.  Additional benefits include a flexible schedule (i.e. no set office hours), prodeals on outdoor gear, and an annual budget for professional development (Set annually with ED/Board of Directors).

Full description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l1qR10nmUZv_LfeggSNkXanxTp5pYIExfcIdRD-_DgQ/mobilebasic?fs=e&s=cl

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How to Apply

To Apply: Please submit a cover letter and resume (not to exceed 3 pages total) to WRFI Executive Director Matt Baker-White at matt@wrfi.net; a single PDF file is preferred. Applications submitted by July 31st will be given the highest priority, with an anticipated start date of September 1st. Position will be open until filled. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to reach out to matt@wrfi.net.

Job Categories: Equal Opportunities. Job Types: Full-Time. Job Tags: communications and Outreach.

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