Job Description
Texas CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) is part of a national volunteer movement that began in 1977 in Seattle when a juvenile court judge conceived the idea of citizen volunteers speaking up for the best interests of children who are in foster care due to allegations of abuse or neglect. Today, the CASA movement has evolved into one of the largest volunteer organizations in the country. CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to watch over and advocate for these children in court, school and other settings; with the goal of reuniting children with their families whenever safe and possible. Volunteers stay with each case until it is closed with the goal of ensuring these children are kept safe and have the opportunity to thrive and grow.
In Texas, there are 72 local CASA volunteer advocacy programs with nearly 11,000 volunteers serving more than 30,000 children in 219 counties across the state. Texas CASA is the statewide organization that provides funding, resources, training and support to these local programs to ensure they can operate effectively and seek out the best possible volunteers who will advocate passionately for the children and families they serve.
Texas CASA is an inclusive, welcoming and affirming organization that values, celebrates and actively seeks out diverse candidates. We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate against any individual, employee or applicant on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, sex, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or veteran or citizenship status. People of all identities are encouraged to apply.
Service Title
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Instructional Designer: Expert educator and instructional designer with extensive knowledge of issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion who will lead a small contracted team of subject matter experts in the creation of a video-based online learning course addressing the following four topics: anti-racism, LGBTQ affirming advocacy, disability justice, and economic equity, with an emphasis on how these topics connect to equitable advocacy for children and families involved in the Texas child welfare system.
Texas CASA is looking to contract an individual who will provide:
- Instructional design expertise in outlining a series of online learning modules addressing four major focus areas: anti-racism, LGBTQ affirming advocacy, disability justice, and economic equity. The Instructional Designer will work with a team of subject matter experts to ensure the content for all four modules represents the most current research and thinking on how best to educate adults on the issues addressed.
- This contract opportunity will require:
- Weekly check in calls, 5-10 working hours weekly, collaborative work with Texas CASA and subject matter experts on the four DEI topics
- Scope
List and briefly explain each specific responsibility:
- Written training materials: Use pre-written materials provided by Texas CASA staff and DEI subject matter experts to unify instructional materials and video scripts on four main topics into a single video-based training course for adult learners. Each subject matter expert will create the foundational content for a separate module and instructional designer will create a sequenced overall learning experience that builds adult understanding of DEI topics and CASA advocacy. Appropriate videos for a comprehensive learning experience may also be added, each topic should take about 30-45 minutes for the learner to complete. Correspondence via email and phone as needed.
- Locations
Remotely, reachable by phone and email
- Deliverables and Duties
- Unify written training materials on the following DEI topics: anti-racism, LGBTQ affirming advocacy, disability justice, and economic equity into a single training for adult learners. Materials can include appropriate videos.
- Participate in editing and revisions process incorporating feedback from a variety of reviewers.
- Texas CASA will provide videography, video editing, and online course creation programming using Articulate Storyline.
- Attend weekly calls with Texas CASA staff and subject matter experts
- Minimum Qualifications
- Background check may be required.
- Experience designing instructional content for adults on the issues of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Working experience in the Texas child welfare system and awareness of the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program.
- Contract Details
- The contract begins 12/4/20 and continues until 8/31/20 with two weeks’ notice required for contract termination during the contract period.
- Completion of contract deliverables and duties within the contract scope are required for contract payment.
How to Apply
- How to Submit a Proposal
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