Full-Time Infrastructure Services Manager

Job Description
Infrastructure Services Manager
Manages the staff and operations of the City’s technology infrastructure including networking, server administration, desktop support services, radio and telecommunications to provide stable, secure and reliable network systems and data communication services to City staff and operations. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related field AND five (5) years experience in managing technology systems, including network systems, wireless, communications, and supervisory experience. Valid driver’s license is required. Microsoft (MCSE/MCSA) and/or Cisco (CCNA/CCNP/CCSP) professional certification may be required.
SALARY: $89,955.84 – $130,773.65 / Annually
OPENING DATE: 03/10/23
CLOSING DATE: 04/03/23 11:59 PM
How to Apply
For detailed information and/or to apply, please visit our website www.las-cruces.org143 total views, 0 today