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17 Apr 2024

Full-Time Departmental Analyst – Utility & Permits

Michigan Department of Transportation – Posted by TannerJ6 Lansing, Michigan, United States

Job Description

Salary:  $23.90/hr. to $40.44/hr.

About the Organization:

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is responsible for Michigan’s 9,669-mile state highway system, comprised of all M, I, and US routes. MDOT also administers other state and federal transportation programs for aviation, intercity passenger services, rail freight, local public transit services, grant programs, and others.

Michigan Department of Transportation Connections Recruitment PSA (click on the youtube link below)


Position Description:

This position analyzes and evaluates routine utility company relocations, ensuring compliance with utility relocation policies and practices; analyzes and evaluates routine right of way (ROW) construction permits, ensuring compliance with department guidelines, standards, and laws; reviews and maintains routine permits, application renewals, inventory, and data in the Highway Advertising Program; reviews, evaluates, and maintains Utility Coordination, Permits, and Agreements (UCPA) section forms, manuals, and published guidance; and provides support for computer applications used by the UCPA section.


  • Analyze and review routine utility company relocations to ensure compliance with utility relocation policies and practices. Provide recommendations for compliance to senior staff/management.
  • Review and analyze routine relocation reimbursement packages received from region offices and Transportation Service Centers (TSCs) to ensure that eligibility requirements met are consistent with federal and state law. Prepare letters of authorization. Track relocation authorizations to assure timely follow-up and maintain project schedules.
  • Support region offices and TSCs by attending utility coordination meetings for department projects and answering questions that come up regarding utility coordination.
  • Review and evaluate the utility coordination manual, utility coordination forms, and standard utility coordination business documents and recommend modifications to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Monitor, review, and recommend changes for utility relocation status reports required for project certification.
  • Review existing utility contacts and maintain current data in Utility Relocation and Tracking System (URTS). Provide notification to TSCs that contact information has changed.
  • Analyze and evaluate routine permit applications for compliance with department guidelines, standards, and laws to be able to issue the permit, assign inspections for monitoring compliance with permit requirements, and answer inquiries from permit applicants.
  • Process routine and standard permit renewals and closures to ensure compliance with department guidelines, standards, and laws.
  • Provide guidance to inquiries regarding general ROW construction permit questions.
  • Process standard statewide annual construction permits and individual construction permits such as Operation Care Permits, Non-Holiday Rest Area Coffee Break permits, etc., and coordinate reviews by subject matter experts as necessary.
  • Support the TSCs when closing blanket bonds associated with permits. This includes receiving cancellation notices from the surety companies, verifying with the TSC that the bond can be closed, and then releasing the bond.
  • Monitor the Construction Permit System (CPS) for permits needing closeout and troubleshoot issues with the TSC staff regarding permit closeout. This includes verifying that there are no outstanding issues, that final inspection has been completed, that bond and insurances are released, and that the permit can be closed out.
  • Monitor UCPA websites for general ROW construction permit information and recommend modifications to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Review and evaluate the Construction Permit manual and other forms and guidance associated to the ROW construction permit area and recommend modifications to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness.

The function of the Utility Coordination and Permits Unit is to develop permit-related procedures and advise management of policy requirements as well as act as a resource center to the region office and TSC permit personnel.

 Basic Requirements for Skills, Experience, Education and Credentials:


  • Possession of a bachelor’s degree in any major.
  • Possession of a valid driver’s license.

Knowledge of:

  • Department design and construction practices.
  • Utility company ROW occupancy procedures.
  • The various functions of each support area or bureau.
  • Public relations.

Skill in:

  • Communicating (verbal and written).

Ability to:

  • Facilitate meetings with permit applicants or utility companies.
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How to Apply

Applying for this position: Please apply for this position at the following link: Departmental Analyst 9-P11 (Utility and Permits Analyst) Bureau of Development | Apply tab | Career Pages (governmentjobs.com) Equal Opportunity Employer/Veterans/Disabled: Accommodations: Accommodations can be made for persons who require mobility, visual, hearing, written, or other assistance for participation. Large print materials, auxiliary aids or the services of interpreters, signers, or readers are available upon request. Requests should be made at least five days prior to the meeting date. Reasonable efforts will be made to provide the requested accommodation or an effective alternative, but accommodations may not be guaranteed. Please contact:  
  • Accessibility Notice: Attendees who require mobility, visual, hearing, written or other assistance for effective participation should contact Orlando Curry at 517-241-7462 or CurryO@Michigan.govpreferably at least five business days prior to the scheduled meeting. Forms are located on the Title VI webpage: https://www.Michigan.gov/MDOT/Programs/Title-VI. Requests made after this timeframe will be evaluated and honored to the extent possible.

Job Types: Full-Time. Salaries: 40,000 - 60,000.

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