State of Delaware –
1. is the website for the residents of the State of Delaware. With that said, by reviewing the Agency Directory, you are able to view the many different agencies through out the state. On the directory, each individual website, contact information, and social media avenues are available for your convenience to review and refer to in the future.
2. DEL – Delaware Employment Link – is your “one-stop-shop” when it comes to potential employment opportunities within the organization. DEL – Delaware Employment Link’s website covers information on open positions, how to sign up for notifications on positions of your interest that may not be available at the moment, State benefits, in addition to educational information on the different types of positions, and what they mean.
We highly recommend visiting the website, and selecting “Job Seeker Resources”, because from there you can access the list of potential job titles (over 1500 to choose from!), and also view information on how to apply, the hiring process, and what to expect.
State of Delaware's job listings
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